Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

trip to bali report

NIM     : 1303406005
19 – 20 Januari 2014
First, I want to say thank you for Allah to give mercy and healthy from us so we can meet again untill now. I want to say thank you to my mom and dad who guide annd lead so I can stand and learn together with you all. And I want to say thank you to my beloved lecture, mom Tjen and mom Ika who give knowledge and skill to us so we can speak english well. The last, I want to say thank you to all of my friend for supported each other.
Actually, I give up when look for a tour agent to visited Bali first. I couldn’t think anything again about that. I think we couldn’t visit Bali because our budget was minimum. I was shock so much about that and I want to give up. But, Allah almighty gave us strongness and way to go to there. Alhamdulillah, and your support is so gave spirit for committee.
So, Sawerigading tour agent accompany us to start our trip to visited Bali Island.
I was shock when I saw our bus for the first time. Why I was shock? Because our bus like kindergarten bus I think. Outdoor display was shark cartoon. But I have to gave thank about that and just little smile because it would deliver us to visited Bali. I shock too when our bus left an hour early. Its so profesional because so many agency late for leaving.
We left Jember city at 00.30 a.m. we enjoyed the trip. Most of us slept untill ketapang harbour. We exit from bus to enjoy the sea and took some picture together. We arrived in Bali Island after subuh and we pray together in nearly mousque.
We continue our trip to go to tanah lot bali. In the middle trip, our local guide came and accompany us to go around Bali. You can called her Mbok/mok Made. She was friendly and had big joke for us. She told us about Bali. She able answered all of our question.
We arrived in tanah lot at 10.30 WITA but I was not sure because I very confused about time in bali between WIB and WITA. I always forget about time because my watch still use WIB.
I shock when I know Tanah Lot ticket because just IDR 10.000,- per person. I think it so cheap. If  I compare with another place. And I really amazed to Bali people, because they able to keep their culture untill now.
I ever shock when I saw most of foreigner didn’t use underwear. But, I thought they comfortable. And I’m so sorry I don’t have picture about that because I thougt it’s unpolite and I was afraid they angry to me.
After we satisfied Tanah Lot scene, we came back in the bus to continue our trip. We had to check in Hotel to took a nap.
Wooooow , I really really amazed to sawerigading because I will stayed on in three stars Ibis Hotel. I just spend IDR 450.000,- but I got many facilities. And I was shock when we couldn’t turn on lamps. We was so confused about that and I called Mbok Made to help us.
At four or five o’clock we would go to Bali beach to debate and look at foreigner habitual. But we couldn’t meet a lot of foreigner because we late. So we just asked to limited foreigner.
I shock when I arrived Kuta Beach. In my mind, Kuta beach is beautiful, exotic, and clean. But I saw so many rubish there. But, I couldn’t understand, how can they comfort with beach scene? But, I didn’t know, how can many rubbish there. Because as far as I know many foreigner kept environment. They didn’t want to throw rubbish everywhere. But, I ever heard if that rubbish from Banyuwangi. But I am not sure.
First, my team still took some picture and I met my first foreigner. His name is Frist. He came from Sidney, Australia. He still young ang he just visited Kuta Beach amount a week. His activity just enjoyed beautiful scene of Kuta and tooka picture when sunrise.
My plan followed him so I could know what he will to do. He said to us if he together with his friend. They walk to the beach so I and lili follow them. But we have been afraid when they drunk something like alcohol. We back and go far because I didn’t want to took a risk.
Then, my second foreigner from australia. But I forgot his name because he was not friendly. He brought camera and look forward sun set. May be we disturbed him, I don’t know. He like abuse us I was afraid about that. But no matter, we directly took some picture and left him

And the last, we met David from Germany. He still young about 18 years old. He is backpacker. He ever visited India, Thailand, Singapore etc. He finished his School just now and when he still school, he learning with working there like me.  He usually went to school by foot. He would use motorcycle if the distance is long. He arrived in Bali Just now. So we couldn’t ask his opinion about Bali because his activity in Bali just check in hotel and wait sunset in beach in a day. But, dave is so friendly. I amazed to him because he dislike waste rubbish at random. I thought he want us to accompany him. Even tought according to me, he want us to accompany him to go to cafĂ©/bar/pub. He dislike to took picture. So we didn’t have picture together. But, before he told me about that, I finished took his picture. I am so sorry, I don’t know before.
After we didn’t have question for him and our time was over, we permited to continue our journey. We looked another team still together with foreigner. We approached them, and actually their foreigner came from Korean. So, my team join with them because we want to know who is him. And Indonesian was Drama Korean Fever or maybe you ever hear K-POP lovers.
We  back to Ibis Hotel at 08.00 pm bali times. I and my friend want to bought food. We bought chicken lalapan and it is delicious taste. I served orange ice and its taste so originall. Delicious food.
We took a bed and want to sleep. My room mate was Dila and Vida. We took a bath firt before sleep. Then, Miss Nia want to slept in my room so I and Dila exit from our room to wait mom nia. We didn’t use hijab at that time, I just used short legging. And suddenly the door close when we outside our room. The door locked automaticaly. And my friend vida still took a bath just now. So I and dila laugh of loud together.
In the morning, I took a walk on the Ibis Hotel road. I shock when many dog there. So I often stoped my step. I very afraid to the dog and I had bad mood to took a walk. And I decided to back.
We breakfast in Ibis Hotel. I tried one by one food in there. It so good. I want to come back there again. We enjoyed our glamour breakfast. It so delicious taste because we seldom eat that food.
We check out from hotel at 09.00 am bali time. Mbok made recommandate Sanur Beach for the next trip. But we couldn’t stayed long in Sanur  Beach because any little problem before.
We continue our trip to STPBI (Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bali Internasional). It is a great school because it has increased progress. They greeted us so friendly.
It was the last place that we visited. And we go to Krisna to bought original food and handycraft from Bali.
It is my journey from Bali.




pamflet smk kesehatan tpa jember

sulis wahyuningtyas




Pada Mulanya Manusia Menerima Mitos Sebagai Sumber Pengetahuan
Disusun untuk memenuhi tugas mata kuliah Ilmu Kealaman Dasar (IKD) semester II
Dosen Pengampu : Ir.H.Abdus Salam, M.P
Disusun Oleh :
Sulis Wahyuningtyas
NIM : 13034060058


Mungkin kita sudah banyak mengetahui mengenai mitos-mitos didaerah kita atau bahkan di luar daerah kita. Mitos-mitos tersebut sangat terkenal karena mengenai asal-usul tempat, larangan atau pantangan dan kepercayaan yang ada pada penduduk setempat. Seperti menurut C.A. Van Peursen bahwa mitos adalah suatu cerita yang memberikan pedoman atau arah tertentu kepada sekelompok orang atau pengetahuan yang diperoleh melalui pengalaman dan pemikiran sederhana serta dikaitkan dengan kepercayaan akan adanya kekuatan gaib.
Salah satu ciri manusia adalah mempunyai rasa ingin tahu tentang benda dan peristiwa yang terjadi di sekitarnya termasuk juga in gin tahu tentang diri sendiri.rasa ingin tahulah yang membuat manusia untuk memahami dan menjelaskan gejala-gejala alam yang terjadi disekitarnya baik yang makrokosmos dan mikrokosmos, serta berusaha memcahkan masalah yang sedang dihadapi.
Rasa ingin tahu manusia yang hanya berbekal panca indera akhirnya menghasilkan ilmu pengetahuan yang terbatas. Rasa ingin tahu manusia ternyata tidak dapat terpuaskan atas dasar pengamatan maupun pengalamannya saja untuk memuaskan pikirannya. Manusia mereka-reka sendiri jawabannya untuk memuaskan pemikiran dan rasa ingin tahunya.
Munculah pengetahuan yang disebut mitos yang merupakan gabungan pengalamn dan kepercayaan. Alat indera manusia yang menyebabkan mitos antara lain :
a.       Alat Penglihatan
Banyak benda yang bergerak begitu cepat yang tidak dapat dilihat dengan mata telanjang manusia. Begitu juga dengan benda yang dilihat terlalu jauh, maka mata tidak mampu untuk melihatnya.
b.      Alat Pendengaran
Pendengaran manusia terbatas pada getaran yang mempunyai frekuensi dari 30 sampai 30.000 per detik. Getaran dibawah dan diatas batas frekuensi tersebut tidak mampu didengar manusia.
c.       Alat Pencium dan Pengecap
Manusia hanya bisa membedakan 4 jenis rasa, yaitu manis, masam, asin, dan pahit. Bau seperti parfum dan bau-bauan yang lain dapat dikenal oleh hidung bila konsentrasinya lebih dari sepersepuluh juta bagian.
d.      Alat Perasa
Alat perasa manusia pada kulit manusia dapat membedakan panas dan dingin, namun sangat relatif sehingga tidak bisa dipakai sebagai alat ukur atau alat observasi yang tepat

Mitos itu dapat diterima oleh masyarakat pada masa itu karena :
a.       Keterbatasan ilmu pengetahuan yang disebabkan keterbatasan penginderaan baik langsung maupun dengan alat
b.      Keterbatasan penalaran manusia pada masa itu
c.       Hasrat ingin tahunya ingin dipenuhi

Menurut Auguste Comte (1798-1857 M), dalam sejarah perkembangan jiwa manusia, baik sebagai individu maupun sebagai keseluruhan, berlangsung dalam tiga tahap:
1.      Tahap teologi atau fiktif atau metafisika, manusia berusaha mencari sebab yang pertama dan tujuan akhir dari segala sesuatu, dan selalu dihubungkan dengan kekuatan gaib.
2.      Tahap filsafat atau tahap abstrak, tahap dimana manusia masih tetap mencari sebab utama dan tujuan akhir, tetapi tidak menyandarkan diri pada kekuatan gaib.
3.      Tahap positif atau ilmiah riil, tahap dimana manusia telah mampu berpikir secara positif dan riil, atas dasar pengetahuan yang telah dicapainya yang dikembangkan secara positif melalui pengamatan, percobaan dan perbandingan.

Manusia menciptakan dongeng-dongeng pada tahap teologi bertujuan untuk menjawab rasa ingin tahunya dengan kemampuan yaang terbatas. Karena kemampuan berpikir manusia makin maju dan dilengkapi alat-alat yang sudah canggih manusia cenderung meninggalkan dongeng dan legenda dan berpikir secara rasional dengan akal sehatnya.
Jadi, perkembangan alam pikiran manusia sampai dengan kelahiran ilmu pengetahuan alamsebagai ilmu yang mantap melalui 4 tahap, yaitu tahap mitos, tahap penalaran, tahap pengalaman dari percobaan, dan akhirnya tahap metode keilmuan. 


Mas’ud, ibnu, H.Drs.dkk.1998.Ilmu Alamiah Dasar.Pustaka Setia:Bandung
Dosen mata kuliah IAD, Diktat Mata Kuliah Ilmu Alamiah Dasar. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Al-Ishlah Bondowoso.